Cascade funding

New Cascade Funding Call for Collaborative Projects: Spoke 05 Lifelong Nutrition, University of Naples



Jul 5



Aug 5


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  3. New Cascade Funding Call for Collaborative Projects: Spoke 05 Lifelong Nutrition, University of Naples

The University of Naples Federico II, as the leader of Spoke 5 "Lifelong Nutrition" under the OnFoods partnership, has opened a cascade funding call for the financing of research and experimental development activities on three strategic themes for the Spoke. The deadline for funding applications is set for 5th August 2024 at 14:00.

The aim of the call is to support project proposals promoted by entities outside the Partnership, interested in implementing fundamental and applied research projects and technology transfer in the field of food and nutrition, which are original and innovative, and of medium-large size.

The financial endowment of the call, which will be disbursed by the University of Naples Federico II as the implementing body of Spoke 05, amounts to €3,308,940.00, allocated to the southern regions. Therefore, project activities must be carried out at operational sites located in the following regions: Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia, or Sicily.

Only project proposals presented by research partnerships constituted of public and private legal entities are eligible. The budget of the project proposal must respect the following allocation of the financial contribution: a maximum of 40% allocated to research organisations (public or private); at least 60% allocated to enterprises. Moreover, the projects must include industrial research and experimental development activities amounting to at least 50% of the total project cost.

Finally, each project proposal may address only one of the three research themes chosen by the Spoke.

Call code PE00000003_2 – Published on 05/07/2024. University Official Register no. 6958/2024

Attachment 1 – Regulatory References
Attachment 2 – Definitions
Attachment 3 – Research Themes
Attachment 4 – Obligation Agreement Template

Guidelines for completing the application
Privacy Policy

Research themes

Below are details of the three funded themes covered by the public call promoted by the University of Naples Federico II.

The duration of the projects must be a maximum of 12 months, extendable only once. The projects may have a total cost between a minimum of €300,000.00 and a maximum of €800,000.00.

Evaluation of the mechanisms of action of bioactive compounds in plant-based foods
Dietary patterns, fertility, and longevity
Innovative approaches for the creation of functional foods

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