Research project
36 | monthsDEGRAMINES

Identification of microorganisms able to degradate biogenic amines

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Principal investigators
Federica Volontè,Federica Biolcati,Fabio Dal Bello
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  3. Identification of microorganisms able to degradate biogenic amines

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Task involved

Task 3.2.2.

Innovative mitigation measures to reduce the risks through the application of bacterial pathogens challenges in food models. Tailored fermentation processes, based on QPS microorganisms (i.e., biocontrol agents, lactic acid bacteria, non-conventional yeasts, symbiotic culture of microorganisms) and hydrolysed food matrices, will be set-up and integrated in traditional food production protocols to increase food safety. Selected natural antimicrobials (e.g., essential oils) and hydrolysed raw matrices will be used to inactivate pathogens at food processing, storage, and retail levels.

Project deliverables


Protocol of innovative microbiological cultures and fermentation for food improvement.

Interaction with other spokes

State of the art

Food Authorities are constantly working on ensuring the production and development of foods with continuously increasing safety requirements. (Traditional) Foods may contain molecules with potential negative impact on human health, especially for fragile or sensible individuals. Among these molecules, Biogenic Amines (BA) have been recently the topic of many scientific and regulatory discussions. Foods may contain small amounts of BA, but many traditional fermented foods were reported to contain high levels of these compounds. BA results principally from the enzymatic activity of endogenous or exogenous bacteria that occurs before or during food manufacturing.

Strains belonging to the QPS species Pediococcus acidilactici, Pediococcus pentosaceus, Lacticaseibacillus casei and Lactiplantibacillus plantarum were described having the potential to reduce naturally the level of biogenic amines in foods (Garcìa-Ruiz et al., Int J Food Microbiol 2011; Niu et al., Foods 2019). The degradation of BA is achieved via the action of amine oxidase enzymes. Currently, no commercial food cultures with these activities are available.

Operation plan

The experimental plan would include the following steps: 

  • Design of a specific high-throughput screening method to select for strains able to degrade BA.
  • Test the optimal strains in different laboratory model systems (dairy, vegetable, fish, meat).
  • Use the best two strains in final applications (fermented food), confirming the reduction of the BA content.

Expected results

The aim of this project is to define a food culture to be used for the BA reduction in (traditional) fermented food.