WP 4.3Spoke 04

Healthy, sustainable and personalised precision nutrition

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Research projects
The goal of Work Package 4.3 is to deepen our understanding of healthy, sustainable, and personalised nutrition tailored to the unique needs of each individual. 

The research will focus on the development and validation of personalised and precision nutrition models based on a range of factors such as anthropometric, demographic, nutritional status, lifestyle habits, perceptual and psychosocial characteristics, metabolic response, and genetic and metagenetic features. The aim is to develop predictive tools that can be used to identify specific phenotypes and determine the most appropriate intervention strategies.

One of the tasks of Work Package 4.3 involves the definition and validation of improved dietary models that can meet individual nutritional needs through sustainable and cost-effective food and preparation methods (in connection with Spokes 1, 5, and 7). Additionally, the research will focus on developing tools capable of predicting metabolic, psychosocial, and physiological responses to food intake at an individual level (in connection with Spoke 6).

Another important aspect of Work Package 4.3 is identifying nutrient and non-nutrient food components that can potentially identify nutrient and non-nutrient food components that can potentially promote consumer health. Researchers will evaluate the bioavailability, bioactivity, and impact on the intestinal environment, including the gut microbiota of these components using a range of in vitro, in vivo, and ex vivo approaches. The goal is to confirm the actual absorption and bioactivity of nutrient and non-nutrient components, considering specific dietary models and target groups.

Finally, Work Package 4.3 will focus on analysing the interactions between food and the human body following events that occur in the gastrointestinal context. Researchers will use in vitro and in vivo approaches to understand the impact of new foods and corresponding reference standards. The aim is to improve our understanding of human nutrition's physiological processes and  promote healthy and sustainable dietary habits.

Task and deliverables

Task 4.3.1.

Development and validation of sustainable models of personalised/precision nutrition based on anthropometric, demographic, nutritional status, lifestyle habits, perceptive characteristics, psychosocial, metabolic response, genetic and metagenetic characteristics, also developing predictive tools for the identification of specific phenotypes and appropriate intervention strategies. Tasks include the definition and validation of improved dietary patterns to cover individual nutritional needs through sustainable and affordable foods/preparations (in connection with Spoke 1, 5 and 7) and the development of tools for the prediction at individual level of the metabolic, psychosocial, and physiological response to food intake (in connection with Spoke 6).

Task 4.3.2.

Identification of nutrient and non-nutrient food components (and their metabolic products) potentially involved in the promotion of consumer health, and evaluation of their bio accessibility, bioavailability, and effect on the gut microbiota, using in silico, in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo approaches on humans/animals to confirm the actual absorption and bioactivity of non-nutrient components also considering specific dietary patterns and target groups.

Task 4.3.3.

Evaluation of food-human interactions following the events occurring in the gastrointestinal milieu by both in vitro and in vivo approaches and elucidation of the impact of new foods and corresponding benchmarks.



List of the existing phenotypes and metabotypes that might be linked to individual responses to food intake (M12)


List of nutrients and non-nutrients with improved bioavailability and bioactivity and with impact on specific target groups (M24)


List of food and dietary supplements that might provide benefits to specific populations (M24)


List of new products to be tested for the in vitro and in vivo approaches (M18)