Research project
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Assessment of energy requirements in adults

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Principal investigators
Angela Polito,Laura Censi
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Task involved

Task 5.2.2.

Assessment of energy requirements in adults and elderly and evaluation of the validity of different predictive equations used to estimate resting energy expenditure vs. a gold standard (wearable metabolic technology, indirect calorimetry combined with accelerometry) in adults and elderly population.

Project deliverables


Definition of energy requirements in older adults considering REE and physical activity to maintain fat free mass (M24)


Protocols and schemes for predictive equations to estimate REE in adults and elderly (M36)

State of the art

An adequate energy intake is crucial for the prevention of undernutrition and of the excessive intake of food energy that is a major determinant of nutrition-related chronic diseases.  Estimation of the basal metabolic rate (BMR) using prediction equations is the basis for calculating energy requirement, assessed by factorial method through the use of metabolic constants to take account of energy costs of individual activities. Schofield's equations (Schofield et al., Human Nutrition: Clinical Nutrition. 39 1985) are the most used to predict BMR, also applied in the Italian Reference intake levels of nutrients and energy (LARN). However, there are controversies in the literature regarding their use, especially on the possible influence of the BMR data of 18-30 yrs Italian males that were higher per kg/body weight respect to those of the other Caucasian groups (Hayter et al., Eur J Clin Nutr 1994). Therefore, it is needed to clarify the issue of a possible overestimation of the energy requirements through these equations.

Operation plan

  • Review of original publication of Italian data included in the Schofield database especially for adult males aged 18-30 yrs to evaluate eventual systematic bias in the research protocol or measurements. 
  • Analysis of Italian BMR dataset according to body weight and body composition.
    Evaluate the validity of different predictive equations used to estimate BMR in Italian adults’ cohorts.
  • To explore the possibility of specific equation for the Italian population based on datasets of BMR measurements. 
  • To validate the specific equation on an ONFOODS cohort and comparison with other existing predictive equations.
  • To analyse dataset on the energy cost of some specific basic static and dynamic activities that are part of the daily lifestyle and to evaluate the applicability of metabolic constants in estimating energy expenditure.
  • To define the physical activity level (PAL) to derive average energy requirements according to age, sex and time use of the Italian adult population.

Expected results

  • Differences between predictive equations used to estimate BMR in adults and elderly.
  • Differences in BMR according to body weight and body composition
  • Evaluation of the Schofield’s predictive equation adequacy to estimate BMR in Italian adults and elderly.
  • Evaluation of a specific equation for the Italian adult population adequacy to estimate BMR. 
  • Analysis of energy cost of specific basic static and dynamic activities. 
  • PAL values or ranges of PAL values representing specific lifestyle activity levels.